Wednesday, September 14, 2022

How to Control Dog Ticks? – ACME Pest Control Service in Chennai, India

It’s essential to control dog ticks as soon as you notice them. Ticks can cause several dog problems, including skin irritation, infections, and disease. The best way to control dog ticks is to work with a professional pest control service.

 ACME Pest Control Service in Chennai, India, offers a wide range of tick control options for dogs, including oral and topical treatments. They also provide various other pest control services in Chennai to keep your home and yard free of pests. Contact ACME Pest Control Service, Chennai, today to learn more about their tick control options and how they help to keep your dog safe from ticks.

How to Control Dog Ticks? – ACME Pest Control Service in Chennai, India

The Dangers of Dog Ticks


 Dog ticks are more than just a nuisance; they can severely threaten your dog’s health. These parasitic insects feed on your dog’s blood and can transmit dangerous diseases to your pet. That’s why it’s essential to be attentive in tick prevention and to remove ticks from your dog as soon as you find them.


 There are many different species of dog ticks, but the two most common in the United States are the American and brown dog ticks. Both ticks can transmit diseases to your pet, including Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and ehrlichiosis. These diseases can cause various symptoms in dogs, from mild (fever, lethargy) to severe (kidney failure, paralysis). At some points, these illnesses can even be deadly.


 The best way to protect your dog from these dangers is to avoid contact with ticks altogether. If you live in a territory where ticks are prevalent, talk to your veterinarian about tick prevention products like spot-on treatments or collars. When you’re out walking your dog in areas where ticks might be present (wooded areas, tall grass), do a tick inspection when you get home. Remove any ticks you find promptly with a pair of tweezers; don’t forget to disinfect the bite area afterwards.


 Contact your veterinarian instantly if you think your dog has been exposed to ticks or is showing signs of illness.

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